Teses e Dissertações

(17/07/2009) Organic Farming in Brazil

In this report we therefore present a farming project in Southern Brazil and the work of the organisation Centro Ecológico on participatory certification of organic foods. These examples show that it is possible in practice to increase food production and secure livelihoods with the help of small-scale trade and organic farming, both of which conserve and draw benefits from ecosystem services. Through being active in a range of different networks, Centro Ecológico has been able to influence the development of organic farming both nationally and internationally.


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Açaí de Juçara e Agricultura Familiar: Explorando Oportunidades Sustentáveis no Sul Catarinense

No último dia 15 de abril, aconteceu no Instituto Federal Catarinense – IFC o Seminário "Açaí de ...

Ações de combate à fome ganham reforço de alimentos agroecológicos da Serra e Litoral Norte do RS

Alimentos da primeira remessa recebida pelo Centro Ecológico e encaminhada à Sociedade Espírita C...


Ipê-Serra - Rua Luiz Augusto Branco, 725 - Bairro Cruzeiro / Cep: 95.240-000 / Ipê - RS / Fone: 0xx (54) 3233.16.38 / E-mail: serra@centroecologico.org.br
Litoral Norte - Rua Padre Jorge, 51 / Cep: 95.568-000 / Dom Pedro de Alcântara-RS / Fone/fax: 0xx (51) 3664.02.20 /E-mail:litoral@centroecologico.org.br